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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

The most valuable lesson from Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

We all have witnessed the teenager who ha e found their true passion at the age when we spend most of the time playing games. Here are some of us in our mid-20s and still finding out our purpose or true passion.

Here are few valuable tips from the book to ease that process for you.

Discovering dharma

In a nutshell,

passion + expertise + usefulness = DHARMA

Remember: passion itself is not enough we need proper skill and execution to stretch the best out of it.

Quadrants of potential | Find your potential

If you find yourself in any of the following quadrants, try the advice:

Remember: You only truly know which is your quadrant, so be honest with yourself.

Quad 1: start side hustles where your passion falls and soon you will be in Quad 2.

Quad 2: Just ignore what anyone says and continue working hard, you are in the best possible area.

Quad 3: Time for a career change! It may be intimidating but it’s well worth it.

Quad 4: take time and improve your skill! That’s it.

Find your dharma profile.

The leader | The guide | The maker | The creator

Remember: Be true to yourself! Finding the right profile is just to filter out the competitions. So that next time you compete with the right person and don't fall behind.

Leaders: governing and inspiring

Guides: learning, studying, and sharing wisdom/knowledge

Makers: inventing, supporting, and implementing.

Creators: brainstorming, networking, and innovating

Be in the category where your passion falls and compete with those who are in your category.

Combining all these essential factors will allow you to easily find your proper skill and passion. In the end, it is better to be passionate and skilled in whatever you want to achieve, if your goal is just earning lots of money as most teenagers have: reevaluate your choices!!



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