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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

Social Media and Society are The Ultimate Deceptions | What they don't want you to know.

We all know that one child who obtained rank 1 on an exam and is now bombarded with interviews or your batch mate who made it to the IVY leagues, maybe your junior who can bench press a freakin tiny house. Yet, here are you: a mere couch potato binging on Nutella and reading my post in procrastination.

The umbrella of perfection

Perfection, this word destroyed the generation and will continue to do so. We are expected to be perfect, whether it is grades or hobbies, society expects us to achieve extraordinary in every field.

Let me tell you, it’s okay to be lazy! It’s okay to be not scoring 90+ in exams and certainly, It’s perfect to be who you are!

Everyone has their own abilities and believe me, most of us are completely unsure what our true inspiration is! maintaining a perfect body might be a piece of cake for your "influencer" friend but if that's not you then it is completely fine.

Social media frenzy

You are a pizza; your core values i.e your passion or interest will remain fu*kin same just like the bread in a pizza. No matter how much cheese or sauce you add on top, your core values will remain the same.

Society cares about the Toppings and cheese on that pizza, no one cares about the lonely bread that supports it.

Social media enhances this effect, every tik-tok, every reel, every post displays the topping of that person, not that core value that took them there.

Well, flexing your new mustang is better than posting about the rigorous process of politics and management that led you to the high-paid position in an MNC and hence to the luxury car.

The process

Again social media and the super-fast content flowing on it has ruined our expectations for the process. We want fast results but don’t want to work and stay in the whole process of achieving them.

That 15-second clip may tell us about the fortune an entrepreneur made but not about the fuc*kin reality of multiple losses, legal lawsuits, messed up personal life, and much more.

The paradox of procrastination.

The infinite loop and the major cause of depression and anxiety. The urge for fast results causes this issue. Even if we work hard and at a phenomenal rate we still fall for the societal expectations compared with our peers and the loop continues.

Any little spark of negativity can cause you to enter this mess, that’s why it is beneficial to train your mind to filter social media and competition so that it works for you rather than against you.

Competition: society’s evil

Most people believe competition helps us thrive, but that’s far from the truth. Competition on an individual basis or an irrational setting is counterproductive leading to false results and motives.

HEALTHY COMPETITION breeds in a rational and uncontrolled environment where all the variables are unpredictable. This can be observed in MNC’s where they try to dominate their competitors.

Teachers need to understand the real significance of competitiveness and help students apply those in a real setting rather than a mere classroom.

This is the same reason they conduct competitive exams which results in more student deprivation than success.

Final verdict.

It’s simple. Don’t fall for the pitfalls idealized by society and social media.

Follow your true passion and don’t expect results at all.

Diversify into a niche and multiple paths so that you can thrive in one environment.

Pursue your true interest when you find it and then try to compete for the top 1%. Chill, I know competitive exams are not your "true interest".

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"It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know."– Tony Robbins


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