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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

Book review: How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Old yet revolutionary beginner’s guide into the art of winning the minds and even hearts of ordinary people with wholesome tips. Be it in the workspace or a family setting these very basic strategies will never let you down.

Most of the tricks shared over here are pretty traditional which you might have heard from your elders or mentors. still, it stands at the pinnacle of standard etiquettes and behaviors an esteemed gentleman should display.


The book presents four parts containing the following tips. Further explanation and excerpts from the author's wisdom and experiences are also bunched in for proper practical understanding.

Traditionally this book points to an old era of professionalism before the digital revolution, typically from the 1930s and before. Therefore getting criticized by many as a bit outdated, this argument is partially true as some principles cannot be applied in today's era of the internet.

Should you read it?

Definitely! Whether you are a beginner or a veteran in your personal development journey, it is worth the effort to read this light written book

Golden rules and learnings!

“If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive”

  1. This rule is as simple as it sounds! The major principle is to not CRITICISE, CONDEMN or COMPLAIN!

  2. As obvious if you won't complain then we would have to appreciate it. So, take some time to reflect and provide JUST and SINCERE appreciation. Learn more

How to make people like you

  1. This is not a one-day process and takes genuine sincerity to apply, you need to remain true and decent otherwise others might find you artificial.

  2. Show importance to everyone, whether it's the teacher you want to get grace grades from or the uber driver, you need to show the importance and sincere respect to everyone, again if you apply these to the people you want to impress, they will soon find you too artificial or mean.

  3. The best way to impress someone is to stay QUIET! Become a GOOD LISTENER!, instead of spraying all your thoughts onto their face, get genuinely interested in the speaker. Learn more

How to win people to your way of thinking.

  1. “The only way to win an argument is to avoid it”, yes you heard that right! Never indulge in an argument, it will only generate more negative beliefs about you despite you being correct. If you were to be wrong then admit it quickly in an emphatic manner.

  2. Never say “no” or “you are wrong”. Instead, try to force “yes” in any type of conversation.

  3. LET GO!, let go of your ego and let the other person feel that the idea is theirs despite it being originally yours, don’t let them take credit but make them feel they are the owner and in charge of the idea.

  4. The other important fact is to get your perspective shifted, view the world from the other person's shoes! Moreover, this might open you up to more interesting ideas and improvements that were earlier blurred in your vision.

  5. Be sympathetic to and value other people's answers and ideas as if they were yours.

All these rules will help you shape a better personality. LEARN MORE.

How to change people without being resentful.

  1. The major idea is accompanied by various sub-parts which all tend to be equally important. You should never criticize, instead, either talk about your mistakes first or kick the dog indirectly with a supporting example. PRAISE the hell out of everyone and ENCOURAGE a lot to make the fault seem easy to correct.

  2. “I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am." You truly are an impression of what others think of you. Let that quote blow your mind for a minute.

  3. So the MAIN PRINCIPLE is to give the other person a fine reputation to live up to so that they feel important and happy to work the way you like. LEARN MORE.



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