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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

Course Review of MITx 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

From straightforward but tricky logic to advanced lengthy object-oriented programming, It has the power to teach python to the novice, the intermediate, or the advanced. A well-structured way to learn with practical problems as PSETS and simple finger exercises.

MIT computer science department

About the course.

  • Instructor paced, 9 weeks with 14-16 hours per week!

  • Instructors: Eric Grimson(phenomenal explainer!), John Guttag, Ana Bell

  • Finger Exercises, PSETS, and midterm, final exams.

  • passing grade: 55%

  • Verified certificate: $75 or INR 5579


  • A Notion of computation

  • The Python programming language

  • Some simple algorithms

  • Testing and debugging

  • An informal introduction to algorithmic complexity

  • Data structures



I would suggest a complete novice learner who has no background in python to avoid this course and first get a good grasp on python. Although, You would have to work hard deliberately to get a passing grade.


This course is perfectly tailored for the intermediate level. If you have good prior knowledge of python involving logical problems and classes; I will strongly suggest this course.


Directly solve the problems, and refresh your python logic.


Finger exercises

These are high quantity and low weightage problems requiring you to watch the lecture and answer. In general, they only compromise 10% of your overall grade.


These are the most challenging exercises that required tremendous effort to solve. Not only they are lengthy but also have many subparts. It compromises 40% and cannot be left out.

Final/midterm Exams

They are simple if you have focused on the finger and PSETS but do have some tricky aspects. The coding questions require you to paste your entire code into the IDE, which will check for errors. Generally, scoring around 50% is comfortable but going above that requires effort. They compromise 50% of your overall grade, hence set a reminder to give the exam punctually.

BOB (A medium difficulty problem from the course)


If you can solve this, you can complete the course.

Assume s is a string of lower case characters.
Write a program that prints the number of times the string 'bob' occurs in s. For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', then your program should print
Number of times bob occurs is: 2

Unable to solve? Here's the answer.

My Take

I suggest you have a look at this course if you are interested in python. Make sure you have enough knowledge and free time of 5 weeks.

Rating: 4/5


  • High popularity and FAQ/community support.

  • Good concepts and challenging problems.


  • Bit low(maybe old) production quality.


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