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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

Course Review of HarvardX PH526x: Using Python for Research

This ultimate course lies at the intersection of research, Machine Learning, and Data Science. The first in class preaching by Jukka-Pekka "JP" Onnela and the latest python libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, SicPY, etc. make it the god sent bridge between intermediate and advanced levels in python.

About the course:

  • Self-paced, 12 weeks with 15+ hours

  • Instructor: Jukka-Pekka "JP" Onnela(Associate Professor of Biostatistics at Harvard University) learn more here

  • Homework Exercises(major): 10 problems worth 55%

  • Comprehension Check(minor): numerous questions worth 30%

  • Final Project: worth 15% (only for verified learners).

  • Passing score: 70%

  • Verified certificate: $170 or INR 12570


Incorporates a dense and rigorous curriculum [detailed syllabus here on edX]

Week 1: Basics of Python 3 (1 homework)

  • Objects and methods

  • sequence and manipulating objects

Week 2: Python Libraries and Concepts Used in Research(1 homework)

  • scope rules and classes

  • Numpy, Matplotlib, pyplot, Randomness, and time

Week 3: Case Studies Part 1 (3 homework)

  • DNA Translation

  • Language Processing

  • Introduction to Classification

Week 4: Case Studies Part 2 (3 homework)

  • Classifying Whiskies

  • Bird Migration

  • Social Network Analysis

Week 5: Statistical Learning (2 homework)

  • Linear Regression

  • Logistic Regression

  • Random Forest

Timeline: 2 weeks for every week listed here plus 1-2 for the final project.


Beginners should look away as it requires some complicated libraries like SciPY and Pandas which are challenging for a newbie with less programming experience.


This course is best for people with some prior knowledge of logic building and other python libraries. It fulfills the gap between introductory and advanced-level courses. If you have completed some introductory python courses, you can try out this course.


Homework exercises

These problems will be tough! The versions of the problem explained by the professor are a bit simple than the homework exercises. This requires the learner to focus on the concept to come up with the solution.

Comprehension Checks

These are simple to the point MCQ or fill-in-the-blank questions based on the lecture you watched before. They offer a chance to increase your grade by 30%.


I would suggest you avoid the project because it can make any programmer cry and get your passing grade by the above two ways. PS: I had only scored 20% on the project.

Questions and problems

This course unravels some of the most intriguing concepts in machine learning like classification and regression. Therefore, it is expected from the case studies and problems to be complex.

Each exercise will give you a hard time, from the caesars cipher to plotting and predicting bird migration patterns, but the knowledge is well worth the effort.

I will be releasing some of the most challenging problems from the course on my blog. You can find them here

My take

I being on the beginner level had a hard time solving the problems and the final project. These are some of the most intimidating questions. If you are excited to solve them, you can complete the course!

  • Histogram of the central limit theorem by the sum of rolling 10 dies 1 million times.

  • DNA translation from DNA to Protein

  • Classification theory plots

  • Caesar's cipher encoding and decoding

  • Hamlet processing to find number of words using pandas

  • Classifying wines and whiskies based on the flavor of manufacturers with plots

  • Tracking and predicting bird migration patterns using cartopy

  • Social network analysis using neural network graphs

  • logistic and linear regression to predict the revenue and success of a movie.

Deep thinking is required to solve these analytical questions. Do not worry if your score is falling behind while completing this course, use the comprehension check exercises to boost it. Even I had barely passed this course at 71%.

Rating- 4.5/5


  • High-quality questions and lectures

  • amazing FAQ support

  • one of the few courses in this class


  • The homework questions are complex compared to the lectures.



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