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  • Writer's pictureMaulik Chopra

The deeper meaning of reading books that no one tells you! | Why read books?

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

From Albert Einstein to Abraham Lincoln and many major personalities have admitted that they had devoted most of their lives reading books which is exhibited by their exponential success.

Whether it be Self-development or a business strategy book, all have one aspect in common, which is: Repetition, the regeneration of an Idea hundreds or maybe thousands of times helps sow that seed in our mind in different forms so that we can apply it practically.

Moreover, not only do books increase the creative ability of our brain by making it concentrate better but also make us experience flow: which is an essential part of the functioning of our minds.

Let me elaborate a bit on flow, this is an intensely researched idea that stems from a mind-blowing book called "flow -mihaly Csikszentmihalyi". The gist is that when we are deeply focused on a task neither do we feel any exterior thought or the passage of time. To remain in that state is to do tasks at your own difficulty level and going up little by little to remain in flow.

This ideology is quite different from today's educational world as students are dumped up with a generalized rigorous curriculum that does not adapt to their specific flow. This is the reason flow is rare in today's era.

It has been shown that flow is linked to deep work, (source: "Deep work- Cal Newport") but that's a whole new topic. The interesting fact is, research shows that with the decline in flow enriched behaviors in young individuals there is also a steep fall in book reading! Yes, this confirms that book reading has a direct relation to flow.

In conclusion, the art of book reading with all its existing advantages brings a whole tsunami of flow and deep work, experiencing which enriches our lives allowing us to excel in any field possible.


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